My mind is my own secret diary.
Locked and kept away from most.
To some, who are chosen the spare key, get to see things.
But my deepest thoughts, my deepest secrets, lie in my heart where no one can find them.
Don't try to go looking.
You will get lost in it.
As easily as I get lost in your beautiful eyes.
To me, every day you look amazing.
You seem to just have a natural talent of looking handsome.
What lies behind your lock?
I am curious to see what your book may say.
Curious to see what you say about me.
If you say anything that is.
The day will come when I fianlly take that jump into love.
Love can be as close as a cloud, or as far a star.
Either way you can see them.
Sometimes we just have to wait a little longer for the beauty to come alive.