Sunday, August 21, 2011

Constant Ramble

My life is just a bunch of images running through my mind.
Bits and pieces get torn in the process.
But I can still tell you most things in detail.

Much like a photograph has a story behind it…
My life is just a story.
But in this story…
There are no pages to be turned…
Although, there are a few chapters.

Isn’t that what life is though?
A living, breathing story?

We put our lives every where…
But just remember it always started with keeping it filed in your mind.
A mental camera.

Soon we were keeping journals and diaries…
Now here I am…

My mind creates thoughts fast enough for my hands to say.
Before my mouth can even form sound.

Where the words are spinning and I catch glances.
Soon, I piece together the puzzle within each day.
Making odd ramblings of nothing sound so creative.
But sometimes they still just feel like a jumble of words.

I will never stop though.

We are all here to tell our story.
Even if no one is willing to listen.

We still put it out there hoping it will catch someone’s eyes.
So we can inspire.

Remembering we got inspired by someone who did it before us.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Piano Keys and Decisions

I stare out into the sunset.

The breeze blows my hair into my face... 
And all I can think is that... 
Why would we ever leave here?

A place meant just for us. 

A piano with just enough keys.
Do we believe in love?
Or are we just ready to make love happen?

Years I have been wishing for this flower to bloom...
So you too would see its' beauty.

But now I'm not too sure if... 
I'm ready to pick this flower.

This flower which hasn't bloomed when I wanted it to. 
This flower that took its time to figure out everything.

I am wondering if this particular flower is the one I need. 

We've come so far in this field. 
We don't need to stop. 

Or do we?

I am always seeking for something better... 

What if there isn't something better out there?
What if...

I already have the world's perfect flower?

Beauty can fade... 
It can dry out. 

Will we let it?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Door of Opportunity

We stand so tall among the grass... 
And yet... 
I feel so small. 
Why is it that we follow our dreams...
But sometimes we are so far behind?
I want to be the closest to the door...
To open up that opportunity and breathe in that accomplishment.
Life has given me the words to express.
Love has given me the feel of heart ache. 

I question whether the word love is overly used by us all... 

But can you overly use a word that can be said so easily?
A word that... Can mean the world... But can also tear anyone apart.

I live in a life full of adventure.
Where the smiles never leave me...
And even though some people do... 
I can still stand tall among the grass...
Breathing in that accomplishment of just being there... 
And even though I may feel small and so far from some dreams' reach... 

I can still stand and open the door of opportunity.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chasing My Shadow

I've been searching the stages...
For that perfect someone in the spot light.

But maybe I am wrong.
And everyone else has been right.

My one true love doesn't make music...
It IS music.

I've been searching for the perfect person...
Who strums the strings or sings to a crowd..

With everyone telling me I will be hurt in the end.
And they were right every time.
I never wanted them to know how weak I am.

That one little musician couldn't wreck my world.

But they can...

And they do.

Am I scared to leave the spot light and look for someone in the crowd?

Or am I just too stubborn to stop chasing my own shadow?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Murdering Time

Words to spell...

But... I can't remember how to speak.

Time has stolen my voice...

Here I am with an answer I can only swallow...

Because time has made me forget.

I slowly race to the door...

Only to find its' locked.

In silence I cry because there is no way out.

Here I am.

Do you even take notice?

I'm lost...

And yet... I know my surroundings.

Time needs to be murdered.

So I wait.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So maybe I am crazy.
A wannabe celebrity who always wants all eyes on her.

I don't know why I want the attention.
I don't know why I crave the spot light.

But every time someone doesn't want to pay attention...

I think their camera needs new film...
Or something.

I feel like...

I always need the videos running and the cameras flashing.

Always making an enterance...
Never insecure.

But really I am so far from being perfect.

I can't help but just want it.
And I can never figure out why my mind wants all this attention.

Am I a social butterfly?
Or am I just alone?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Spring

The flowers are starting to bloom once more..
And I can began to feel free again.

The winter holds me in the house.

The spring lets me discover new things...
And new people.

I keep writing down the pros and cons of us.
And the pros are winning.

You are so different than what I'm used to.

But you fell in love with the same thing I did...


Which is a huge thing in my life, and in yours.

So today we will watch the weather change.
And see the sky clear.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spinning Carousel

I guess things are supposed to move forward.
But I'm always looking back.

Things will always get better.
If we didn't see what terrible was...
We wouldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
And see the best of everything.

I open my eyes to a new world.
I cry with a loss for the old one.

If tears were meant for drying...
And flowers meant I'm sorry or I love you.
What does a heart mean when it hurts?

I dress myself.

With words...
And a smile occasionally.

On rainy days you can find me below the tree...

Watching the tears fall from clouds.
Of lost loves...
Forgotten friends...

Things we lost...

I've lost...
My weaknesses.

I've learned to stand on my own two feet.
To dance with confidence.
And prove I can move on...

From this carousel we spin on.

This ride we prove to enjoy.
The things we are willing to do and see.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Fencing Our Distance

Just open your eyes and let go.
That's what I've been told.
That's what I know.

Hoping for dreams to be real.
Only to be stories in our imagination.

Pretty please,
Leave me be.

Caring is the only reason I still want you here.
Listen to me.
Give me time to heal.

I barely know you.
You barely know me.

Let's end it before it begins.

One will lose and one will win.

So just stop replying.
And I will quit lying.

Feelings will disintegrate eventually.

I'm as strong as a tree.
But as soft as a flower petal.

My heart though...
That's a different story waiting to be told.

But one you cannot unfold.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Circus in the Sea of Stars

The ring leader starts the show.
With the most precised point the act begins.

The little puppets hang in there.

The lions roar with fright and jealousy.

Center stage.
Center stage.

All eyes on me.

I drown in the attention of strangers.
I float into another life.

The coffee spills.
But I won't clean the mess.
Let it dry.
Let it be.

I've been sleeping in the stars.

Never letting go of the beauty.
Never leaving the light.

But the light isn't so bright all by myself...

A shooting star shows that you are not the one staying.

So here I am in a sea of stars...
At the circus center stage...

I am being judged.
I am being stared at.

Maybe you see an act...

Am I a puppet on strings?


But sometimes I feel like strings are being pulled.
And stars are being shot.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Draining Thoughts

Confidence is building up.
And you are nothing but a number.

We are strangers.
We are electronic fumes.

You won't be around long dear...

Because you will be erased from this phone and mind.

You almost had something you couldn't handle.
You should be.

Maybe you will be the line in a song.
If you even get that far in my mind.

So now I'm washing you down the drain.
With all those stupid little messages.
And all those unexpected smiles.

Float away in the water you have poisoned.

Carefully plot your next plan.

But beware.
Most of us are aware.

Fame and Misfortune

You're lucky enough to get a second glance.
Let alone even a chance.

Now you've lost it.
For good.

These eyes will be looking forward.
These eyes don't shed tears.

For pretty little boys.
For pretty little girls.

Who's hearts get broken with fear.

Hips are swaying.
Bodies playing...

You sit center stage but no one is watching.

Better think of something new you silly little boy.

Covered in ink
But you don't know how to think

For two.

Look to the Sky

Would you follow me to the moon and back?
I feel like everything is floating...
And you're hold my hand through this journey.

I've made mistakes...
I've made achievements...

We both have.

We both want the same thing as far as I can see.

I don't know where to go from where I am sometimes...
But I like risks.
I like adventures.

I live for the thrill of both of them.

I swallow fear most of the time.

So if I ever get faced with a ferocious beast...
Do you think I will run?
Or do you think I will fight it?

It's kind of like love...
We either run from it, run into it, or we fight for it.

So is love this big ugly beast we wouldn't want to come across?
Or is it something we see as terrifying but up close is really beautiful?

Now and then I wonder about it...
Will I be scared when I fall in love with someone?
Or will I be ready for it? 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Inhaling Confidence

Closed eyes are opened.
And we find the strength deep down inside of us to get up.

The confidence fills our lungs once again.
To where we cannot contain it.

We dance in the middle of the street.
We take the risk.
We are bold.

Our past might catch up with our present...
But it shapes our future.

It's like dancing without lessons...
Or catching dreams without a net.

We know we can do it.
We just have to try.

I look into the mirror...
See my reflection and can't help but tell myself,
That I can do anything I ever want to.

Sometimes we just need that little push to get us to go.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Second Glance, First Chance

I barely know you...
But I feel like I've known you forever.

I patiently wait for you to look my way.
Hoping to catch your eye for a second glance.

I'm nervous and cold...
But you have the warmth in your heart to give to me...

Please look at me.

The world is spinning and we can't stop it.
But we can pretend like we did.

You're something more than what they name you.
You're something far greater than what you think.

I'm in the shadows blending in.
Wishing you would see me.

I'm the wall flower that is caving in...
Hoping you will save me.

Though I'm a butterfly getting my wings to work...
Ready to fly into the sky.

But love is just like a butterfly.

The longer I chase it, the longer I can't catch it.
But with patience...
It will land on my shoulder.

And I will fall in love.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Picking Up

The day dies and night lives on.
Forever I am living the night of the owl.

The day is full of surprises...
But at night is when my wings unfold...

Ideas start flowing.
Emotions start showing.

I am deeper in thought than I am in dreams.
I can't help but let my mind race and my heart take a rest.

The canvas is slowing coming to life with color.
And you hold the brush.

You're finishing the art work that others couldn't...
But I fear some day you will stop painting too.

And leave the painting unfinished, undefined.

With my eyes I see the world...
And with my heart I see you.

I'm surrounded in darkness but you hold the light.

The shadows are following now...

But we don't care.

I lose myself in my imagination more than
I lose myself in the city.

A constant reminder of just how creative we really are.

And so tonight...
I go deeper...
In thoughts and observations.

Watching the world sleep while I lie awake.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Fear to Battle

Words are always being spoken...
Hate is one of those words.
People can try to change your mind.
But only you can believe them or not.

I wonder what lies beyond the sunset...
If life has more meaning than what we know and see.

Twirling and swirling into love and lust.
Sometimes we don't take the lead in our own dance...

But we know the steps so well.

Often we are retracing our steps...
Or taking the same ones over.

Different plannings lead to different beginnings.

I see myself as night and day...

Half of me is ready.
The other half is being more cautious.

Darkening the light of the situation...
And vice versa.

So which side do I choose?

Or will I be caught in the middle of an eclipse never deciding what to do?

I'm scared...
But I'm not letting fear get the best of me.
Every day we have a new fear we need to conquer.

And every day we open our eyes and our minds to new things.

Will you be ready for tomorrow?

Instructions for Flying

I gaze into the distance...

Not really too sure where it will take me...
I don't need a hand to hold.
I just need my wings to unfold.
I've worked for these wings...


Am I sure I know how to use them?


I guess we will just have to see...