Thursday, May 26, 2011

Piano Keys and Decisions

I stare out into the sunset.

The breeze blows my hair into my face... 
And all I can think is that... 
Why would we ever leave here?

A place meant just for us. 

A piano with just enough keys.
Do we believe in love?
Or are we just ready to make love happen?

Years I have been wishing for this flower to bloom...
So you too would see its' beauty.

But now I'm not too sure if... 
I'm ready to pick this flower.

This flower which hasn't bloomed when I wanted it to. 
This flower that took its time to figure out everything.

I am wondering if this particular flower is the one I need. 

We've come so far in this field. 
We don't need to stop. 

Or do we?

I am always seeking for something better... 

What if there isn't something better out there?
What if...

I already have the world's perfect flower?

Beauty can fade... 
It can dry out. 

Will we let it?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Door of Opportunity

We stand so tall among the grass... 
And yet... 
I feel so small. 
Why is it that we follow our dreams...
But sometimes we are so far behind?
I want to be the closest to the door...
To open up that opportunity and breathe in that accomplishment.
Life has given me the words to express.
Love has given me the feel of heart ache. 

I question whether the word love is overly used by us all... 

But can you overly use a word that can be said so easily?
A word that... Can mean the world... But can also tear anyone apart.

I live in a life full of adventure.
Where the smiles never leave me...
And even though some people do... 
I can still stand tall among the grass...
Breathing in that accomplishment of just being there... 
And even though I may feel small and so far from some dreams' reach... 

I can still stand and open the door of opportunity.